Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Am Resolute? I Am Resolved? I Am Resolutionized?

The start of a new year always brings about a time of reflection and thoughts of the future for me. I reflect on the year that's passed; I ponder what is to come in the year ahead. In the past, I have made resolutions, but that never works out very well: the list gets lost, I change my mind, the list gets lost, circumstances require a new outlook, the list gets lost... So this year, I've decided that instead of "resolving" myself to certain, probably unattainable, actions, I would figure out some reasonable, and necessary, things to focus on, and ways to ensure that I do. So far, I have figured out what my objects of focus for this new year will be, but the actual act of focusing? Not quite there yet. hmmm. Obviously, I need to get that figured out, like, soon. But until I do, I think that to keep myself semi-accountable, I'm going to get the list down here. And maybe inspire some others to look inward at what they need to take the time to focus on in this fresh, blank year. And so...

*Focus on Health ~ Physical & Mental: encompassing better food choices, exercise, weight loss and maintenance, and daily "meditation" (to include knitting, blogging, and other me activities)...

*Focus on Health ~ Spiritual: encompassing prayer & time with God, and finding my church "home..."

*Focus on Health ~ Financial: encompassing The Hubs & I reading and working through The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, finding a system of organization that works for the entire family, finalizing Christmas budget before the 1st of November (and sticking to it), setting up estate, investment, and retirement plans, and figuring out a definitive working budget...

*Focus on Health ~ Relationships: encompassing marriage & kids, and communication...

So there you have it. What I will be doing in all my spare time these next 11 3/4 months. There may be profound failure in all or some places, but I am resolute in my resolve (yeah, how ya like that!) to at least give all areas effort. Now, this list does seem very detailed, but I realize that I am generally a great multi-tasker, and that several things will be combined as they are accomplished. I also need the details out in the open, or they will be overlooked. And it should be noted that I actually have a hand-written list that includes cross-references, but thought I would spare any and all readers that pain!! If you'd like to see my complete, nerdy diagram, just let me know... ;)

Happy, Blessed New Year to Everyone!

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