So, the New Year is officially a week old.
Have I done anything fun? Nope.
Have I done anything exciting? Not even close.
Have I even gotten out of the bloody house? NO!!!
The weather outside is frightful, no doubt about it. I hear rumors that we should expect to be out of sub-zero and single digit temps next week, but still not warm (haha - warm, what a joke!) enough to get rid of all this blinking snow. I think by now, even people who have never met nor heard of me must know how much I, well, dislike winter. I don't do well in extreme temps, I seriously hate being wet AND cold, and I just wanna scream when it comes to the dressing to go outside - the layers, the snow pants, the coats, the hats, the gloves, the scarves, the boots, the blahblahblahblahblah. Go through all that to hear 5 minutes later, "I gotta pee!!" argh.
We went "back to school" this week, but missed Thursday & Friday due to the snow and freakish temperatures. Yeah. Snow days. The bain of my existence! Don't get me wrong, I truly love my kids, but I have come to the realization that I am just not one of those moms who can spend infinite amounts of time with the hooligans and remain sane, or still like them. And they couldn't go outside. You know, since global warming has turned NEMO into part of the Arctic Circle. And we couldn't go anywhere, since the van doesn't have 4-wheel drive, and probably isn't equipped to deal with the 3-foot snow drift on my side of the driveway. To add to the fun, The Hubs is on call this weekend, so there's just no telling if he'll be home at all or not. And even if he is home, I can't go anywhere without assistants, which at this point kind of defeats the purpose of getting the heck outta the house. Mother Nature is totally not going to be invited to my birthday party this year!!!
Soon I will get some pics posted here - general blog pics, recent photos of the heathens, that sorta thing. I'm not too quick with the tech stuff... :) And updates on the "weather is making everyone crazy with cabin fever" situation as necessary!!
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