Friday, January 15, 2010

We are going to be making a semi-last-minute trip down to southwest MO this weekend. The reason is totally exciting, and if all goes well, I'll be able to share soon. But, that's beside the point. The point is, we're making a semi-last-minute trip this weekend. A four hour one way trip. Last. Minute. And what, you might be thinking, is noteworthy about that? Well, laundry that isn't done and needs to be. Then, of course, clothes that need to be packed. Getting 4* people packed for the weekend wouldn't seem to be such a big deal, you know, it's only 2 1/2 days, but when one still needs pull-ups for bedtime (and "emergency" undies & outfits), one will only wear a few choice shirts, one is still in diapers (thus wipes, ointment, extra thick nighttime diapers...) and was diagnosed yesterday with the most bizarre ear infection** I've ever heard of and has antibiotics that need to be refrigerated (plus the obligatory Motrin & Tylenol), and so on and so forth, well, last-minute is hard for me. And obviously I'm really on top of it, what with sitting here typing and all. But, it's cool. I'll drag out the suitcase in a few, throw some stuff in, and it will be fine!! (cuz that's how I am, duh. I don't take anything too seriously, and I certainly have no problem with not having a perfectly packed and organized suitcase. really.) Hey, maybe I'll be able to relieve the almost guaranteed stress-and-OCD-induced headache, shaking, hyperventilation, and PSYCHO with a little knitting in the van. Got lots of fast, easy, and portable things that I want to get done (you know, to avoid the crazy that I turned into trying to get all the Christmas knitting done, otherwise known as That Which Will NOT Be Mentioned), and I'm sure Hubs will want to drive. His driving may or may not contribute to the above symptoms, thus increasing the need for knitting. :)

*I pack for myself and the boys. All other persons are on their own. That includes anyone over the age of 10 (physically - some, who will remain unnamed, are still not emotionally or mentally over the age of 10).

**Sweet Baby J has bullous myringitis, a bacterial ear infection caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae, a little bugger that can cause atypical pneumonia, and that has produced a large, painful blister on the poor dude's ear drum. He's now on erythromicin, as no pharmacy in town had what was originally prescribed...

I'm sad that we will be in Bolivar but won't get to spend time with, or see, Miss M. She already had plans for this weekend, and obviously what she's going to be doing is way more fun/cool/exciting than being stuck with Mom, step-dad, and 3 little brothers. *huff* I'm probably gonna be done pouting about it by the time we leave here this afternoon...

Well, apparently those jeans aren't going to get themselves out of the dryer, or fold themselves. Which, I suppose means that they aren't going to get the stuff out of the washer and put it in the dryer, either. Or start another load. Man! I always have to do EVERYTHING around here!!

We'll be enjoying a whole weekend with no work, no real solid plans, no have-to's, no need-to's, just want-to's!! And, (fingers crossed!!) hopefully, no one will have to be offed, sold to the highest bidder, or left on the side of the road! It's good to have dreams and aspirations, I always say.
Have a great one, everybody =)

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